IMPORTANT:: We invite you to read this Privacy Statement carefully to learn why we collect your personal data and how it is processed by Moto Map Travel, S.L., Comte d’Urgell 95 bis 08011, Barcelona, España. Moto Map Travel, S.L., Comte d’Urgell 95 bis 08011, Barcelona, España.


This policy is subject to change and should be consulted each time you decide to visit us.


This Privacy Policy was modified on 08/07/2024.




This online privacy statement of Moto Map Travel, S.L., is public and accessible to all users and customers of Moto Map Travel, S.L., and applies to all websites of Moto Map Travel, S.L. being he main site or domain.


It also applies to those documents or messages issued by Moto Map Travel, S.L. that link to this policy or privacy statement or, where appropriate, indicate access to it so that you know how Moto Map Travel, S.L. uses your personal data.


Next, we inform you in a general way about the uses of your personal information. These uses and treatments are detailed below.




Information on the use of personal data, as provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, which adapts the Regulation to the Spanish legal system and completes and develops its provisions (LOPDGDDD)..


Moto Map Travel, S.L. respects your right to privacy and applies all the regulations in force in order to protect the personal data of its customers and users.


Your personal data are treated with the utmost confidentiality, having adopted Moto Map Travel, Responsible for Treatment, the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data, avoiding its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.


In order for you to receive information and, where applicable, to be able to reserve or use the products and services offered by Moto Map Travel, S.L. through the site(s) of Moto Map Travel, is necessary for you to inform us of certain personal data necessary in order to be able to personalize our services and adjust them to your interests and needs.


We remind you that it is the user's duty to inform us of any change in their data, to Moto Map Travel, S.L.and that had registered our sites, to proceed to its maintenance in the corresponding files.


In order to improve the services, we offer you, it is possible that at the end of the service we provide you, you will receive a satisfaction survey. You will be asked for an assessment of the services received and a brief comment on your experience.


We collect your personal information for several reasons:

  • Respond to requests for services
  • Realization of the services
  • Preparation of budgets
  • Send you status messages of ongoing services
  • Sending of promotions that we consider interesting for our clients
  • Quality and satisfaction surveys for the improvement of the services carried out by Moto Map Travel, S.L.
  • Completion of the necessary documentation for the processing of any incident covered by your insurance company


In addition, we may collect information related to your use of our websites through various technologies, such as the use of cookies.


You may revoke this consent at any time and exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of treatment, forgetfulness, portability of data and opposition by the means indicated in the chapter "EXERCISE OF RIGHTS" of this document.




Moto Map Travel, S.L. collects personal data through several channels: on the website; in the call center of Moto Map Travel, S.L.; in the same physical centers of; en el centro de atención telefónica de Moto Map Travel, S.L.when requesting a quote or a service; Moto Map Travel, S.L.on the page of Moto Map Travel, S.L. on Instagram.


In any case and as long as it is applicable, we will give you the option of refusing to allow us to use your data for the purpose of sending or advertising communications.




For the management and fulfillment of the object of the contract, it may be necessary (and obligatory for the provision of the service) that your data (including information on allergies, food intolerances, etc.) have to be communicated to providers such as airlines, shipping companies, hotels and other service providers, which will be obliged to use the data solely and exclusively to fulfill the object of the contract.


These providers, depending on the country of destination of their trip, may be located in countries for which it is necessary to carry out an international data transfer including, if applicable, those that do not offer a level of protection comparable to that required by the EU, and are therefore considered to be an international data transfer expressly authorised by the interested party.


In the same way and according to the Federal Legislation of the United States of America, your personal data will be accessible to the Department of Customs of the United States in case you contract a flight that has origin, destination or stopover in that country.


You authorize us to communicate data such as Name, NIF, Bank Data, etc., to the Financial Institutions with which Moto Map Travel, S.L. works for the sole purpose of managing transfers, collections and payments arising from the commercial relationship and the use of our services.


The public administration within the scope of its competences. Pursuant to the provisions of Royal Decree 933/2021, of October 26, establishing the documentary record and information obligations of natural or legal persons who contract lodging and motor vehicle rental activities, the data collected may be accessible to the police and public authorities in the performance of their respective powers in the field of prevention, detection and investigation of crime assigned to them.


Personal data will not be communicated to third parties, except by legal obligation or court order.


Finally, you authorize us to send the necessary information for the process of any incident covered by your insurance company and that it may require.




You may revoke your consent at any time in order to allow your data to be used in a specific manner. Such revocation of authorization may not have retroactive effect.


Realization and management of the contracted service and invoicing


Without the requested data it will not be possible to carry out the service.


The personal data, as well as those related to the service will be kept in our files for the time necessary to be able to make effective the guarantee of the service provided (5 years).


The data relating to the invoicing of the service will be kept in our files for the time necessary to comply with the legal and fiscal obligations applicable to the services provided by Moto Map Travel, S.L. (5 years + current year).


With regard to this data processing, you may, if you consider it necessary, exercise the following rights:

  • Access to know what data we keep and process.
  • To rectify if you consider that the data are not correct or because they have changed (for example, your contact details).


Editing Queries


Personal and contact data, images, will be kept in our files for the time necessary to carry out the requested management.


If you consider it necessary, you will be able to exercise the following rights with regard to this data processing: necesario, ejercer los siguientes derechos:

  • Access to know what data we keep and process.

  • Of opposition and limitation, so that personal data will not be processed -since your request is processed- for the purpose of the information service.

  • Of rectification in the case that considers that the data are not correct or because they have changed.

  • Deletion or deletion in the event that you withdraw your consent for this treatment.


Quality Service.


In order to comply with our commitments of quality with the client, we carry out a survey punctually to know the satisfaction with the work carried out to our clients and users in order to be able to improve our services.


These surveys are carried out by electronic means (you receive an e-mail with a link to the website where the survey is carried out) and they do not collect any personal data additional to those you have previously provided.


In any case, the personal contact data collected for the purpose of sending you the quality survey will only be used if you give us your explicit consent.


Personal data relating to this processing will be kept for this purpose for 3 months.


If you consider it necessary, you may exercise the following rights with regard to this data processing:

  • Of opposition and limitation, so that personal data will not be processed -since your request is processed- for the purpose of quality service.

  • Of rectification in the case that considers that the data are not correct or because they have changed.


Information on the services of Moto Map Travel, S.L.


In order to keep you informed about the services provided by Moto Map Travel, S.L. and about specific promotions, we need to treat your contact details.


On the other hand, in each communication sent you will be offered the opportunity to unsubscribe from them; additionally, you can exercise the rights indicated below at any time.


If you consider it necessary, you may exercise the following rights with regard to this data processing:

  • Of opposition and limitation, so that personal data will not be processed -since your request is processed- for the purpose of the information service.

  • Of rectification in the case that considers that the data are not correct or because they have changed.

  • Deletion or deletion in the event that you withdraw your consent for this treatment.


Elaboration of budgets


The data that you provide us, for the preparation of the budget, will be kept in our files until you inform us of the decline of its execution or up to 2 years after this period will be deleted. Otherwise they will become part of the processing of Service Realization.


If you consider it necessary, you may exercise the following rights with regard to this data processing:

  • Access to know what data we keep and process.

  • To rectify if you consider that the data are not correct or because they have changed (for example, your contact details).

  • Deletion in the event that you definitively reject the action budgeted by Moto Map Travel, S.L..


Study of job applications


The data you provide us, to participate in our recruitment processes, if you are selected for the next phase, we will inform you of this decision. The data provided by you will be kept for a maximum of 1 year last which will be deleted.


If you consider it necessary, you may exercise the following rights with regard to this data processing:

  • Access to know what data we keep and process.

  • To rectify if you consider that the data are not correct or because they have changed (for example, your contact details).

  • Deletion or deletion in the event that you withdraw your consent for this treatment.




By browsing Moto Map Travel, S.L. you can collect unidentifiable data, which may include, IP addresses, geographic location (approximately), a record of how services and sites are used, and other data that can not be used. be used to identify the user. Among the non-identifying data are also those related to your browsing habits through third-party services.


Utilizamos esta información para analizar tendencias, administrar el sitio, rastrear los movimientos de los usuarios alrededor del sitio y para recopilar información demográfica sobre nuestra base de usuarios en su conjunto.


Service reCAPTCHA


The browsing IP address will be sent to Google as part of the system in order to discern a human from an automated form filling and submission system.


Full details about Google's privacy policy can be found at


Communication between IATA partner airlines


The data you provide may be communicated to airlines for the following purposes: Real-time flight updates, proactive notifications in case of service interruption (cancellations, delays, etc.), luggage related updates, automatic sending of change of reservation information or boarding card for the following available flights.


These contact details will be managed by IATA member airlines under their own conditions. You can consult the aspects related to the use of these data and your data protection rights on the website of the airline concerned and which is indicated on your ticket or air reservation.


Google Adwords


Adwords es una plataforma de Google destinada a los ANUNCIANTES que quieren publicitarse en GOOGLE. En Moto Map Travel, S.L. utilizamos Google Adwords, la plataforma de publicidad de Google, que nos permite crear campañas y anuncios para mostrarlos en otras páginas webs. Al generar un anuncio, se puede segmentar el público por: Lugar, Datos demográficos (edad, sexo, etc.), Intereses (actividades, aficiones, etc.), Lo que compran en internet y por otros canales, Etc.


Los datos obtenidos a través de Google Adwords están sujetos a esta política de privacidad desde el momento en que el usuario deja sus datos en el formulario de esta web para unirse al boletín de suscripciones. En ningún caso se utilizará la información procedente de Google con una finalidad diferente.


Data Processors outside the European Union


Moto Map Travel, S.L. uses Google Inc. encrypted storage services through Google Drive and also uses the email service provided by Google Inc. through Google Apps.




We use the reCAPTCHA service of Google Inc. (Google) service to protect the data sent through the forms on our users' pages. This service differentiates data sent by individuals from automated messages and involves the transmission of IP address and other data required by Google to use the reCAPTCHA service. For this purpose, the data will be transmitted to Google to be used. The IP address will be encrypted by Google in the member states of the European Union as well as in the states associated with the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will IP addresses be transmitted to Google's server in the United States for encryption. On behalf of the owner of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate the use of the service by users. The IP address transmitted by reCAPTCHA will be kept separate from other Google data. The Google privacy policy applies to this data. Full details of Google's privacy policy can be found at


By using the reCAPTCHA service, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.




This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. a Delaware company whose principal office is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States ("Google").


Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of tracking your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.


Google podrá transmitir dicha información a terceros cuando así se lo requiera la legislación, o cuando dichos terceros procesen la información por cuenta de Google. Google no asociará su dirección IP con ningún otro dato del que disponga Google.


Puede Usted rechazar el tratamiento de los datos o la información rechazando el uso de cookies mediante la selección de la configuración apropiada de su navegador, sin embargo, debe Usted saber que si lo hace puede ser que no pueda usar la plena funcionalidad de este website. Al utilizar este website Usted consiente el tratamiento de información acerca de Usted por Google en la forma y para los fines arriba indicados.




You may direct written communications for the exercise of your rights to:

Moto Map Travel, S.L.


inscribed in the Comertial Registry of Barcelona, in the volume 49247, page 117, sheet B614187, inscription 1.

sending your requests to the following address:

Moto Map Travel, S.L.

Comte d’Urgell 95 bis 08011, Barcelona, España


You can also direct your communications through the following channels:

  • In person, in our offices

  • By e-mail to the address [email protected]

  • Contacting to the telephone +34 932 063 850 where we are to your disposition to take care of you.


Submitted data requests may require you to provide additional documentation necessary to confirm your identity.


You can also complain directly to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) in these situations:

  1. if you have requested to exercise your rights and have not received a response from the data controller within one month.

  2. If you have received a response, but do not agree with it.

  3. If you believe that the controller has violated data protection regulations in any of its activities.


In any case you can obtain general information about privacy and Personal Data Protection at the following link: